《BIG》 Movie Screening
The film tour festival is co-organized by Tang and Gau Global Foundation, with flights sponsored by STARLUX Airlines. The movie is in Mandarin with English and Chinese subtitles.
About the Movie
"BIG" portrays the lives of six children battling cancer in Ward 816 of a hospital. Despite diverse backgrounds and individual struggles, they form bonds while confronting cancer. Director Wei Te-Sheng's central theme is "BIG - Being Is a Gift," showcasing the positive life force emanating from the children in Ward 816 as they courageously face the challenges of illness and mortality with laughter.
《BIG》以六位癌症病童在醫院816病房的視角出發,呈現他們在面對病魔時的勇敢奮鬥。魏德聖導演在這部充滿人文關懷的醫療電影裡,描繪這六位來自不同社會階層、擁有各異生命歷程的病童與其家庭,因共同面對癌症而相互結合,攜手共度生離死別的挑戰。《BIG》的核心主軸為「活著就是最好的禮物(Being Is Gift)」。3/17跟著TFFB,一起從這部電影裡感受生命的力量吧!
About the Director
In 2008, Wei Te-Sheng’s "Cape No. 7" broke box office records in Taiwan and earned the title of the highest-grossing film in Taiwanese history, and Wei was awarded Outstanding Taiwanese Filmmaker of the Year at the 45th Golden Horse Awards. In 2011, he completed "Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale." The film secured the Best Film Award at the 48th Golden Horse Awards and an official selection at the 68th Venice Film Festival. Its brilliance extended to representing Taiwan in the Best Foreign Language Film category at the 84th Academy Awards.