《春行》A Journey in Spring

   “A Journey in Spring” tells the story of a husband devastated by the sudden passing of his wife.  Unwilling to move on, he preserves her body in the morgue and keeps her death a secret.  This film by directors Tzu-Hui Peng and Ping-Wen Wang was selected for the 43rd New Directors / New Films Festival at NYC – the first Taiwanese film to be chosen in 6 years.  The film premiered in the US in April 2024 at the MoMA and the Lincoln Center.  It also won the Best Director Silver Seashell Award at the 71st San Sebastian International Film Festival; Best Performance for the female lead at the 34th Singapore International Film Festival; and Best Actor - Chinese Young Cinema Award at the 48th Hong Kong International Film Festival. 

About the Movie

《春行》(A Journey in Spring)是臺灣導演彭紫惠、王品文首部共同執導的劇情長片。《春行》由金馬影后楊貴媚、金鐘獎得主喜翔主演,描述不捨妻子驟逝的丈夫,將妻子的遺體放進冰櫃保存,守著妻子已死的秘密。本片入選紐約第43屆「新導演/新電影影展」(New Directors/New Films Festival),為6年來首度有臺灣導演作品獲得影展方青睞。2024 年4月在紐約現代藝術博物館(MoMA)及林肯中心戲院舉行全美首映。此外,《春行》2023年獲得第71屆西班牙聖賽巴斯提安影展最佳導演銀貝殼獎,女主角楊貴媚獲得第34屆新加坡國際電影節最佳表演獎,男主角喜翔則拿下第48屆香港國際電影節最佳男演員獎。 

About the Directors

Tzu-Hui Peng 彭紫惠

Ping-Wen Wang 王品文

Meet Taiwanese directors Tzu-Hui Peng and Ping-Wen Wang, who make their feature film debut with "A Journey in Spring". Tzu-Hui Peng, a multidisciplinary artist and filmmaker, has a background in fine arts and has explored various mediums, including video installation and experimental film. Her unique perspective and creative vision bring a distinct voice to the film. Ping-Wen Wang, on the other hand, is a talented young director who has honed her craft through prestigious workshops such as Produire au Sud Taipei Workshop and Talents Tokyo. Her experience in international film programs has equipped her with a keen eye for storytelling and a deep understanding of the cinematic language. Together, Peng and Wang share a profound love for cinema that brought them together to co-direct "A Journey in Spring". Their film, shot on 16 mm film, captures the textures of Taiwan's spring foliage and tells a raw and sensitive portrait of domestic life, exploring the complicated relationship between a family broken by estrangement and the regrets we reflect on.