City of Lost Things 《廢棄之城》

Animation ▎91 MINS ▎Yee Chih-Yen ▎2021



Award winning and critically acclaimed animated film “City of Lost Things” was blessed with substantial investment and produced over 13 years. It was a breakthrough of 3D animated films in Taiwan. 

“City of Lost Things” explores the intersection between men and environment, as well as self value and aspirations. When the 16-year-old teenager Leaf ran away from home to escape reality, he was lost and stumbled into the City of Lost Things. He started a journey to rediscover meaning in life and befriended Baggy along the way. He had to experience loneliness, failure and self doubt, in order to find hope and the ignition to rebuild himself. “City of Lost Things” portrayed the fragility and perseverance of human nature, as well as the journey to find one’s inner strength. Through the various images, the film presented the different faces of life and emotions. We believe this will be an inspirational and reflective piece.  


易智言 Yee Chih-Yen

易智言畢業於美國加州大學洛杉磯分校電影電視製作研究所,返台後進入中央電影公司擔任企畫,並在各大專院校兼任電影課程講師。1995年完成第一部電影「寂寞芳心俱樂部」入圍鹿特丹影展競賽,2002年完成「藍色大門」入選坎城影展導演雙週,2005年完成「關於愛」入選釜山影展,2007年完成電視連續劇「危險心靈」獲得金鐘獎最佳連續劇和男主角獎,2014年完成「行動代號:孫中山」獲得金馬獎最佳原著劇本和大阪亞洲電影節最佳影片,2020年完成費時十年的 3D動畫長片「廢棄之城」並獲得金馬獎最佳動畫長片。


Mr. Yee majored in film production in Department of Theatre Arts at UCLA and got his MFA degree in 1989.  After returning to Taiwan and working in TV commercials for years, he made his first feature Lonely Hearts Club in 1996 which was selected in competition in International Film Festival Rotterdam.  He made his second feature Blue Gate Crossing in 2003 which was shown in Cannes Film Festival Directors’ Fortnight.  His third feature Meeting Dr. Sun in 2014 won both the best picture and audience choice awards in Osaka Asian Film Festival, and also won the best original screenplay in Taiwan Golden Horse Awards.  After more than ten years in production, his latest and his first 3D animation feature City of Lost Things, a boy and a plastic bag’s adventure concerning recycling and reincarnation won the best animation feature in 2020 Taiwan Golden Horse Awards.


Mr. Yee’s works are socially relevant, topics including equal rights, education reforms, wealth distribution, environmental protection and youth subcultures.  All the serious topics are told in audience-friendly ways due to his versatile use of elements of film genres. In Taiwan Mr. Yee is also known for his discovery of new talents. Many new-generation Taiwanese directors, cinematographers and especially actors started their careers with his works.