Eagle Hand 老鷹之手

101 mins | 2021 | 賴麗君 Li-Chun Lai

The film “Eagle Hand” tells a story about a farming village in Chia-yi, Taiwan that specializes in lotus roots. During the glory days of exporting to Japan and Hong Kong over 40 years ago, there were over 10 million square feet of farmland and over 100 farmers. Nowadays, with modernization and development, only 4 million square feet of farmland and 27 farmers remain in lotus root farming. Instead of risking damage to the delicate lotus roots with metal farming tools, the farmers have to manually dig for the roots buried over a foot deep in the mud with their bare hands. Over decades of hard work, the farmers’ fingers are often deformed with enlarged and bent knuckles, and thus nicknamed “Eagle Hand”. Nowadays, these “Eagle Hands” are a symbol of perseverance and long-lost cultural values.  The director presented the scenery and population development of her hometown through her own eyes. Following the perspective of the director, the audience witnesses a story of the  younger generation leaving the farm villages for a brighter future in the city while some arrive and rediscover their merit and motivation in the field.

那雙老鷹手原本在天上飛,他們這雙老鷹手卻往土裡鑽 ! 



Reminiscing the summer time in Taiwanese countryside, what comes first to mind? Is it a cup of iced lotus root tea or chilled lotus root slices as snacks? Perhaps it is the lotus leaves swaying in the wind or the muddy lotus root field? “Eagle Hand” documented the beautiful lotus root field and the daily lives of their farmers. Following the development of the economy, aging population in the farm villages and the loss of youth workforce to the city, the lotus root farming industry is facing a major decline. Our motherland has provided for us and our prosperity. If our community and nature are ever at risk, we will mend and care for every crack with the light we weld together. 



Director 賴麗君 Li-Chun Lai

The Taipei-based nomad from the village of Niutoushan, Chiayi, cares for the contemporary issues of the changing countryside and new immigrants. To quench her two-decade-long homesickness, Lai returned home to film “The Immortal’s Play” with Peng Jia-Ru and received a Golden Harvest Award. In 2017, she continued with the second piece of her Chiayi trilogy, “Eagle Hand”, hoping to complete the series before her age does not allow her to.
