Enigma: The Chinese Crested Tern


91 mins | 2021 | 梁皆得 Chieh-Te Liang

After being named in 1861, the Chinese Crested Terns have rarely been spotted. Is it simply a myth or may the bird still exist today? During an accidental equipment malfunction in 2000, the wildlife photographer Chieh-Te Liang discovered the Chinese Crested Tern in Mazu island, which was deemed extinct over 60 years ago. Since then, many enthusiasts travel around remote islands in Asia and face the dangers of the sea just to witness this mythical bird. Two decades after the journey to rediscover the mythical bird, their population increased from 8 to about 100, thanks to preservation efforts across various countries. However, the annual typhoons as well as various interventions from mankind still significantly threaten the survivorship of the Chinese Crested Tern. This is a story of nature bringing Liang together with other enthusiasts and specialists to document the mythical bird.



The rediscovery of the Chinese Crested Tern is like a beam of light shining through the cracks. Witnessing a bird that was declared extinct due to an equipment malfunction was a near magical experience. This breakthrough garnered attention from enthusiasts and academics around the world, and initiated a 20-year journey for Liang to search for and fully document this mythical bird. TFFB hopes to share the rare footage of the Chinese Crested Tern’s habitat and migration path through Liang’s perspective, as well as their natural and manmade threats. This journey of rediscovery is to remind us of the possibility of a miracle. Perhaps if we are willing to change course and restore nature, it’ll never be too late to bring hope and light to the ecosystem.


Director 梁皆得 Chieh-Te Liang

Chieh-Te Liang has been passionate about birds since his childhood. After middle school, he became an apprentice in carpentry and later became an ornithology research assistant in 1987. He started documenting wildlife through his camera in 1992 and subsequently produced his first work “The Lanyu Scops Owl”, which became the first domestically produced wildlife documentary featured on The Discovery Channel. He later produced documentaries for official agencies, such as “Soaring Above the Range”, and collaborated with international film crews multiple times. Liang has earned recognition from the Golden Horse Award, Golden Bell Award, Golden Harvest Award, and other international film festivals. In 2015, his film “Fly, Kite Fly” presented the intricate relationship between birds, humans and the environment, and raised awareness around the excessive use of chemical fertilizers.

梁皆得,自幼喜歡鳥類,國中畢業後到鹿港學習木工,1987年退伍後在中研院動物所當鳥類研究助理,1992年開始拿著攝影機記錄鳥類多采多姿的生活史。1995年第一部作品《ㄉㄨ ㄉㄨ ㄨ蘭嶼角鴞的故事》成為國內第一部在國家地理頻道播放的生態影片。而後幫公務單位拍攝相關紀錄片,如《草山鷹飛》、《菱池倩影》等,並多次與國際團隊合作拍攝。2015年完成紀錄片《老鷹想飛》,呈現鳥類、環境與人類密不可分的關係,引發社會上對農藥過量使用的關注。歷年作品曾獲得金馬獎、金穗獎、金鐘獎以及國外影展的肯定。