Faces of a Taiwanese Opera Actress


29 mins | 2021 | 尚若白 Jean-Robert Thomann

Taiwanese opera actor Zhang Mengyi faced an important turning point in her life in 2018: her mentor, national treasure actor Liao Qiongzhi, appointed her as the head of the "Shintrun Taiwanese Opera Troupe".

At the same time, as an actor, a teacher, and the position of the head of the troupe, this film presents Zhang Mengyi's various activities under the increasing pressure of daily life. On the stage, she often sings and cries, in daily life, at work, joys and sorrows alternate in the background of the actress's portrait. She opens the door to her world for us - Taiwanese opera. Let's explore it together.



The film receives 2021 New Taipei City Documentary film award.


In the spring of 2018. Zhang Mengyi is ready to perform Wang Kui and Guiying. She has just taken over as the head of the Shintrun Taiwanese Opera Troupe. On the stage, she plays the role of Kudan: a woman abandoned by her fiancé.

Next, we observed Zhang Mengyi's involvement in her busy daily life: teaching children and amateurs to sing, training young actors, and dealing with the problems of the troupe. There are tensions, laughter, and tears. She rarely has time for herself, and is often at work. She often sees her husband at work: he is a legacy makeup artist and costume props artist.

In 2019, Zhang Mengyi was busy preparing and promoting the annual big performance "Dream Broken Black Water Ditch". In addition to the performance, pressure from box office sales and personnel management issues brought her to exhaustion. Following Zhang Mengyi, we will meet three generations of actors, old, middle and young, and observe the life of a Taiwanese Opera Troupe.




Director 尚若白 Jean-Robert Thomann

Jean-Robert Thomann is a French-Taiwanese filmmaker who directed a number of films related to Taiwan. He has directed the feature film “Short Story at the West Gate”(2016), released both in Taiwan and China, the short film “The Taste of Ginger”(2021), the documentary “Naluwan”(2013) etc.  

He has won the Franco-Taiwanese Cultural Foundation Prize in 2018. In 2021, he has get a master degree at the the motion picture department of National Taiwan University of Arts.

法國法蘭西案大學視覺傳播碩士,身兼剪接、劇本創作與導演等身份,具有多年的電視節目、電影與記錄片剪接之經驗。1996年開始與臺灣有頻繁的接觸,1998年開始導演生涯,至今已完成多部關於臺灣政治、文化、宗教及生活的紀錄片於法國有線電視、法德公共電視ARE義大利公共視 RAI、CNEX紀實頻道播映。
