《山椒魚來了》Good Morni MIT
For the past 20 years, producer Kui-Chiung Run has been devoted herself to assist director Chueh-Ming Mai to document the vanishing natural habitats, endangered species and historical cultures of the local tribes after the 921 earthquake in 1999 that seriously damaged the natural environment in Taiwan . Trying to save as much as imagery and the audio records for those that are facing extinction is her mission.
From 2000, Kui-Chiung Run had worked on series of documentary programs focusing on wildlife and human history in Taiwan. She produced《Old Trail Of Taiwan》, a Golden Bell Award winning story of four antient historical trails that had enormous impacts in Taiwan for more than 5 years for PTS. Since 2002, she’s been producing 《MIT The Story Of Taiwan》, a documentary series for CTV which also been nominated several times in Golden Bell Award and won five times. 《Good Morni MIT》is her second movie as a producer.
About the Movie
921大震後,臺灣山川林野傷痕累累、自然生態瀕臨滅絕存亡關頭,製作團隊長年記錄臺灣土地變遷,有感於史蹟埋藏荒煙、部落耆老凋零、保育科研人員傳承漸無後繼,島嶼上孕育百年的珍貴人、事、史、地、物,就要成為永遠消逝的聲音、故事、風景… 為了延續一條長遠的影像路,20年來,製片阮桂瓊協助麥覺明導演長期追蹤、記錄拍攝科學家及研究人員奔闖於臺灣山林,為臺灣族群稀少的特有種請命,努力保存下無數原始的聲音和珍稀的影像。
About the Director
Chueh-Ming Mai 麥覺明
Director Chueh-Ming Mai, a Taiwanese director, a producer and a host for his program, meanwhile he is also a professional mountaineer, an explorer, and a researcher for wildlife and human history. He worked on TV program《MIT The Story Of Taiwan》for more than 18 years, he remains a record of winning five Golden Bell Award out of twenty nominations on this program. "Formosan B.B. is coming" is his first feature documentary.
大麥影像傳播工作室 負責人、《MIT台灣誌》 製作人 / 主持人,累積多部節目與影片的紀錄和拍攝工作,並多次榮獲金鐘獎肯定。紀錄片作品有電影《黑熊來了》《山椒魚來了》