《蘭陵40: 演員實驗教室》

Lan Ling 40th: Experimental Actors Studio

About the Movie

Founded in 1980, Lan Ling Theater is the first experimental theater company in Taiwan and the main promoter of the small theater movement. The troupe was disbanded in 1991. Since then, every ten years, everyone starts to re-perform together. The very moment in life is healed on the stage through performances again and again. Documentary become a witness of time.



2018 年,蘭陵成員再度聚首,由團長金士傑領軍,重新創作1983 年首演的《演員實驗教室》,一部結合劇場遊戲與演員生命經驗,從中激盪出的集體創作。

紀錄片,成了「時間」的見證!王耿瑜身為蘭陵劇坊成員、《演員實驗教室》演員之一,這次拾起攝影機,深入排演過程,記錄台下「蘭陵人」的日常互動。訪談吳靜吉、金士傑、劉若瑀、馬汀尼、楊麗音、鄧安寧、趙自強、游安順、黃哲斌等多位蘭陵劇坊靈魂人物,在排練場、舞台和人生旅程上,生命中的very moment,被一次又一次的重複、凝視以及療癒。

40 年後,為青春獻上這篇懺情錄

About the Director

Angelika Wang 王耿瑜


In 1983, She joined Lan Ling Theater Workshop and participated in the filming of Dust In The Win, Daughter of the Nil and A Brighter Summer Day. She used to be the curator of Golden Horse Film Festival, Children's Film Festival and Documentary Biennale, She also produced Island Etude 、 Flowers of Taipei – New Taiwan Cinema.

On April 3, 1983, a very important event happened in my life.That night I watched the “ Experimental ActorsStudio “ in Lanling Theater Workshop. This autumn, I entered Lanling. The next year, I made a life-changing decision —- this summer, this mother shed tears every day. ——This is a story of time. After 40 years, I present this confession.
— Angelika Wang