你吃蛋糕的時,會將草莓留到最後吃嗎? 你知道在做甜點時,加點鹽能夠讓甜味變得更有層次嗎?
第三屆波士頓台灣影展 「人生百味」,一起經歷台灣的味道
“When life throws you a lemon, you don’t necessarily have to make lemonade.”
『人生如戲,戲如人生』,電影中的議題是社會的縮影,也是導演與影人,透過不斷累積與醞釀,淬煉出來的人生百味。台灣對於飲食文化的重視與講究,使得飲食成為連結人、事、物的重要媒介。本屆影展的初衷,是希望透過台灣電影,引領觀眾探索記憶中的滋味。記憶中的滋味,是有溫度的鄉愁,更是人生重要的養分。近年來的台灣電影,也如同分子料理與各種 fusion 餐廳一般,混搭出充滿新鮮感與多元文化的新滋味。波士頓台灣影展團隊期許本屆的『Bittersweet』系列,能夠讓更多海內外的觀眾,用不同的視角與生命經驗,深度尋根探索台灣獨特文化中的情與味,並且加以傳承與推廣。
Ideology of Bittersweet
The theme of the year is “Bittersweet”. The complexity of tastes and flavors represent the rise and fall of characters in movies, as well as the filmmakers’ personal life experience over time. Bittersweet encompasses the flavors of bitter and sweet, simultaneously contrasts and complements each other. The intricate balance of the flavors often resembles the winding storyline and character development.
On another level, “Bittersweet” is a realization shared by the entire team at TFFB. Throughout the past year, we all experienced drastic and unseen changes to relationships and connections. While it brought about uncertainty, loneliness, emptiness and despair, it also inspired camaraderie within us and gave us an opportunity to reflect and cherish our relationships. We aspire to ignite conversations around the Post-Covid era through the theme of “Bittersweet” and the seminar sessions. As a community, we will overcome 2020 and march into the new normal.
The objective of the festival is to take the audience back in time through the memories triggered by various Taiwanese films. The warmth of nostalgia is a critical component that enlivens all of us. The film industry in Taiwan in recent years is also rapidly adapting to the world, similar to how molecular gastronomy and fusion restaurants constantly challenge our sense of ordinary. On behalf of the team at TFFB, we wish to inspire more domestic and international audiences to explore, treasure, and advocate for the unique flavors of Taiwanese culture through the films and their perspectives. Let’s join us in savoring the flavors and species of these outstanding films through laughter and tears!
Feature Films
Films co-presented by TFFB and New Taipei City