Event Schedule

9/28 Day 1

10:30 am Opening Ceremony

《老狐狸》Old Fox

12:45 pm Post-screening forum with Golden Horse Award winner Akio Chen

01:45 pm 《野生之路》Wild Road

《依諾物語》The Tale of Ino Yumin

《鷺鷥河》The Egret River

03:30 pm 《蘭陵40: 演員實驗教室》Lan Ling 40th : Experimental Actors Studio

05:10 pm Post-screening forum with the director: Angelika Wang

06:30 pm Reception at W Hotel 100 Stuart St, Boston, MA 02116

9/29 Day 2

10:30 am 《青春18×2 通往有你的旅程》18×2 Beyond Youthful Days

12:35 pm Post-screening forum with the director Michihito Fujii

01:45 pm 《春行》A Journey in Spring

03:30 pm Closing Ceremony

《下半場》We Are Champions

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