《鷺鷥河》The Egret River

“The Egret River” by Wan-Lin Liu is a digital animated short film inspired by city landscapes and mixed media.  The short film depicts a fantasy tale between humans, animals, cities, and nature.  Through the relationship between an egret (a familiar bird in Taiwan’s farmlands and natural wetlands) and a building security guard, the film examines loneliness, the fight for survival, and the search for peace and belonging when we are adrift in the world.  This film was awarded with Best Animated Film at the 25th Taipei Film Awards, and the Judge’s Special Awards at the 2023 Golden Harvest Awards. 

About the Movie


About the Director

Wan-ling Liu 劉琬琳

Wan-ling Liu is an animator and illustrator. She graduated in Animation from Tainan National University of the Arts.She is often inspired by the observation of nature and everyday life, and her animations offer a unique and gentle perspective through detailed graphics.
