

電影院的燈光漸漸暗下,直到一片漆黑,是進戲院看電影最迷人的魔幻時刻。銀幕亮起,一幀幀電影畫面乘載著故事,宛若波士頓查爾斯河的粼粼波光,亦若台北淡水河的夕陽映在水波上的顏色,在觀影者的心中泛起瀲灩波光。故事講到情感濃烈或激昂之處,宛若丟了一顆石子到平靜無波的水中,泛起一圈圈漣漪。故事如微風一般慢慢地將漣漪向外推送,波紋隨著同心圓向外擴大,緩緩淡去,最終回歸平靜。回歸平靜的心湖如鏡面,鏡中反射的倒影讓我們可以透過別人的故事來反思自己以及我們所處的社會。古人說: 「以銅為鏡,可以正衣冠,以史為鏡,可以知興替,以人為鏡,可以明得失。」以電影為鏡,可以透過別人的人生知己,包容,悲憫。



 The moment when light dims in a movie theater - all the way until pitch black - is the beginning of wonders.  As images and stories light up the silver screen, they recall the ripples and colors of two great rivers in our lives – the Charles River of Boston, and the Tamsui River of Taipei.  Across an ocean, Taiwan and the US are connected through the ever-flowing tides.  And just like a river, the rolling reels of cinema film can connect us over the spatial divide of continents, and the temporal divide of generations.

 Films can make waves that spread and resonate across the hearts of viewers.  As they do so, each echo and flash of image is a reflection of the many faces of life.  An ancient text in our heritage once said: “Looking into a mirror allows you to see your appearance; looking into history allows you to know the world’s rises and falls; and looking into people allows you to understand conflicts and values.”  Looking into movies, we can hope to see into the lives of ourselves and others, and gain wisdom and empathy. 

The 6th annual Taiwan Film Festival of Boston (TFFB) extends our sincere invitation to join us on this journey of resonant ripples and reflections.